Timeless Wisdom: 10 Inspirational Urdu Quotes from Quote Hubs

Urdu Quotes, One of the most Incredibly expressive languages, Urdu offers phenomenal and deep expressions in Quotes & Sayings. Encased in deeper seas of cultural and written heritage around the world,these quotes have on them timeless wisdom that reduces complex phenomenon to rehear simple facts about life. Be it inspiration, solace or a greater comprehension to the human abuse sometimes Urdu quotes do have something for you in their kitty. As you can see these are the quotes in which universal nature touchings and makes them memorable urdu quotations.

1. “ہمیشہ سچ بولو، سچ کی راہ پر چلو، سچائی کی روشنی ہمیشہ تمہاری رہنمائی کرے گی۔” – حضرت علی (ر)

Translation: “Always speak the truth, walk the path of truth, and the light of truth will always guide you.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)

Truth is a guiding principle in life. Embracing honesty leads to a life of integrity and respect. | Urdu Quotes

2. “خدا سے دعا کرو، وہ تمہارے دل کی ہر دھڑکن کو جانتا ہے۔” – علامہ اقبال

Translation: “Pray to God, He knows every beat of your heart.” – Allama Iqbal

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with the divine and find solace in times of need. | Urdu Quotes

3. “انسان کو اپنے آپ سے کبھی ہارنا نہیں چاہیے۔” – بانو قدسیہ

Translation: “A person should never lose to themselves.” – Bano Qudsia

Self-belief and inner strength are crucial to overcoming life’s challenges. | Urdu Quotes

4. “وقت ہر زخم کو بھر دیتا ہے۔” – میرزا غالب

Translation: “Time heals every wound.” – Mirza Ghalib

Time has a remarkable ability to heal emotional and physical wounds, bringing peace and closure.

5. “محبت صرف ایک احساس نہیں، ایک عہد ہے۔” – وصی شاہ

Translation: “Love is not just a feeling, it is a commitment.” – Wasi Shah

True love goes beyond fleeting emotions; it is a deep and enduring commitment.

6. “کامیابی کی کنجی محنت میں ہے، خواب دیکھو اور انہیں حقیقت میں بدلو۔” – اشفاق احمد

Translation: “The key to success is hard work; dream and turn those dreams into reality.” – Ashfaq Ahmed

Success is achieved through dedication and hard work. Dream big and work tirelessly to achieve those dreams.

7. “زندگی ایک کتاب ہے، ہر دن ایک نیا صفحہ ہے۔” – ممتاز مفتی

Translation: “Life is a book, and each day is a new page.” – Mumtaz Mufti

Every day offers a fresh start and new opportunities to learn and grow.

8. “انسان اپنی قسمت کا خود خالق ہے۔” – عبدالحمید عدم

Translation: “Man is the creator of his own destiny.” – Abdul Hameed Adam

We have the power to shape our own destinies through our actions and choices.

9. “دوست وہ ہے جو مصیبت کے وقت ساتھ دے۔” – مرزا غالب

Translation: “A friend is one who stands by you in times of trouble.” – Mirza Ghalib

True friendship is tested during difficult times, and a real friend is one who supports you when you need it most.

10. “زندگی میں آگے بڑھنے کے لئے معاف کرنا اور بھول جانا ضروری ہے۔” – احمد فراز

Translation: “To move forward in life, it is essential to forgive and forget.” – Ahmed Faraz

Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and moving on from past hurts.


Here are the some amazing quotes in Urdu, its not merely words but it is a word sound that has been compressed just to provide enlightenment. From lessons about love, friendship and perseverance – all the way to personal growth – these quotes give timeless advice that would perhaps be applicable long after you’ve used them. Be a wise Urdu literature reader and here is how these best quotes can light your snip past.

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